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room tour

Today I decided to post a tour of my ever-changing room. Mostly so I can look back in a year's time, and see what it has become. Let's get started!

This is my IKEA desk & chair, where I study & create. The film camera is from a local antique shop. I grew the succulent from a cutting--its name is Larry. :) The lights and the vanilla candle are from a cheap shop, the brown paper notebook from IKEA & the notebook at that bottom of the stack is a brown leather journal I made.

I'm not completely sure where I bought this quilt set. The deer cushion I got from Spotlight and the grey pillow from an op shop.

At the end of my bed I keep my noticeboard, a stack of reading material & a few CDs. The magazine and that gorgeous paper garland came from Bella Magazine.

This shelf was second hand, but I think it came from IKEA originally. The letters are from Typo, and the copper teapot is from an op shop. In case you're wondering, I store my books spine-inward because I want them to match more.

This mirror is from--surprise!--IKEA.

Lastly, my wardrobe. I made this hanging clothes rack (DIY here) from a curtain rod & some rope. On the ground I store a suitcase for my other clothes and a wire basket I spray-painted copper.
I believe in spaces that reflect who you are at heart. If you intend to change up your room, I hope this has inspired you. Have an great day!

new camera

When I first began photography a few years ago, I did so with my parents’ point-and-shoot. I used it so much they eventually decided to give it to me. That’s what I’ve been using on this blog. Until now. ;) I’ve always wanted a SLR, but I didn’t start seriously saving until this year. The fact that I was getting into film-making and couldn’t shoot HD video on my little camera officially sealed the deal. I started shopping around and doing research. It wasn’t until November that a friend of mine found and texted me an add for a Canon 550D (Rebel T2i) for sale near where we live. I was travelling at the time so I arranged for my dad check out the camera. On December 1st I become the proud owner of an SLR! Here are a few photos I’ve taken so far:

photos & their stories

i. We took the back road home so I could take this photo. There are forests full of these trees all around where we live. I love them most in the golden hour, when light slices through the leaves. Some moments simply beg you to live them; which can be as simple as pulling over to capture a scene otherwise forgotten.

ii. Every October, the country turns purple with Jacaranda flowers clinging to branches and, as they fall, covering the grass in a thick carpet. Solitude is found in sitting under a tree, waiting for purple rain.

iii. It seems every year I forget how much I love spring, so when the air turns sweet and full of golden light, I’m surprised again at the beauty of it all. Every walk seems to turn into a wild-flower picking expedition. And I’m okay with that.

DIY Copper Clothes Rack

Here's a short DIY film I made:  Enjoy!

nature photography

 07/06/15 - 08/10/15

the sea of tossing gold

"They were looking up into the Lion's face as he spoke these words. & all at once the face seemed to be a sea of tossing gold in which they were floating, & such a sweetness & power rolled about them & over them & entered them, that they felt they had never really been happy or wise or good, or even awake & alive, before. & the memory of that moment stayed with them always, so that as long as they both lived, if ever they were sad or afraid or angry, the thought of all that golden goodness, & the feeling that it was still there, quite close, just around some corner or just behind some door, would come back & make them sure, deep down inside, that all was well."
-C.S. Lewis (the magician's nephew)

i am forever inspired by hands

Every pair of hands tells a story, and we shouldn’t be daunted to tell ours. The creases in your palm tell of hours spent with hands curled, clutching, holding. The calluses on your fingertips declare perseverance. The markings and scars have tales of their own to share, about mistakes covered by new life. At the end of it all, I desire to have hands worn and injured and mended—if they were to tell a story, I want it to be one of an unrelenting pursuit to respond. Outstretched, abandoned hands are the ones God uses to bring heaven to earth.

Shopping Day

Today, my mum and I went on a road trip to the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. We went to one of our favourite shopping destinations: Peregian Beach. It was a very inspiring and fun time.

Custom Post Signature

Custom Post  Signature