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room tour

Today I decided to post a tour of my ever-changing room. Mostly so I can look back in a year's time, and see what it has become. Let's get started!

This is my IKEA desk & chair, where I study & create. The film camera is from a local antique shop. I grew the succulent from a cutting--its name is Larry. :) The lights and the vanilla candle are from a cheap shop, the brown paper notebook from IKEA & the notebook at that bottom of the stack is a brown leather journal I made.

I'm not completely sure where I bought this quilt set. The deer cushion I got from Spotlight and the grey pillow from an op shop.

At the end of my bed I keep my noticeboard, a stack of reading material & a few CDs. The magazine and that gorgeous paper garland came from Bella Magazine.

This shelf was second hand, but I think it came from IKEA originally. The letters are from Typo, and the copper teapot is from an op shop. In case you're wondering, I store my books spine-inward because I want them to match more.

This mirror is from--surprise!--IKEA.

Lastly, my wardrobe. I made this hanging clothes rack (DIY here) from a curtain rod & some rope. On the ground I store a suitcase for my other clothes and a wire basket I spray-painted copper.
I believe in spaces that reflect who you are at heart. If you intend to change up your room, I hope this has inspired you. Have an great day!

new camera

When I first began photography a few years ago, I did so with my parents’ point-and-shoot. I used it so much they eventually decided to give it to me. That’s what I’ve been using on this blog. Until now. ;) I’ve always wanted a SLR, but I didn’t start seriously saving until this year. The fact that I was getting into film-making and couldn’t shoot HD video on my little camera officially sealed the deal. I started shopping around and doing research. It wasn’t until November that a friend of mine found and texted me an add for a Canon 550D (Rebel T2i) for sale near where we live. I was travelling at the time so I arranged for my dad check out the camera. On December 1st I become the proud owner of an SLR! Here are a few photos I’ve taken so far:

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