Among my goals and plans for 2018 was "travel more." But without the time and money to make this dream happen, it's so easy to fall into the jealousy and comparison trap. So I came up with a small list of what to do when you want to travel, but can't, in the hope it will help me and anyone else going through this right now.
go on a mini trip
This one kind of goes without saying, but if you don't have the ability to do that NZ road trip or visit France, at least travel as much as you can. Plan a day trip, or even an afternoon trip. Be a tourist in your area for a day. You might be surprised what beautiful locations are right outside your door.
create a travel fund
Even if you can only afford to save $20 a week, at least that's something. That's $1,040 in a year! Determine what matters the most to you. If travelling is really a priority, surely you can give up something else in place of it.
plan for the future
Start a Pinterest board or a pen-and-paper list of the places you'd like to go. Start researching routes, accommodation, and activities. If you can't be there in person, at least 'be there' via the internet. :)
Whether it's a drive home or a walk to the shop, we are constantly embarking on small adventures. Learn to appreciate the beauty around you, right now. Stop and look at the view. Watch the sunset. Spend a few minutes gazing at the stars. As Henry Thoreau said, '...only that travelling is good, which reveals to me the value of home and enables me to enjoy it better.'
Happy travels, friends!
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