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photos & their stories

i. We took the back road home so I could take this photo. There are forests full of these trees all around where we live. I love them most in the golden hour, when light slices through the leaves. Some moments simply beg you to live them; which can be as simple as pulling over to capture a scene otherwise forgotten.

ii. Every October, the country turns purple with Jacaranda flowers clinging to branches and, as they fall, covering the grass in a thick carpet. Solitude is found in sitting under a tree, waiting for purple rain.

iii. It seems every year I forget how much I love spring, so when the air turns sweet and full of golden light, I’m surprised again at the beauty of it all. Every walk seems to turn into a wild-flower picking expedition. And I’m okay with that.

DIY Copper Clothes Rack

Here's a short DIY film I made:  Enjoy!

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